ER9 would like to communicate with you according to your preferences. Based on our survey of your preferences, families can expect communication via the following methods.

Methods that match purpose

Key Points

  1. ParentSquare and Emails were widely favored as the most effective tool for all types of communication. We intend to use these as our new primary communication platform. 

  2. Parents are busy and text messages are handy when you’re at work or on the move. We will utilize texts for announcements, events, alerts, and more urgent communications. 

  3. We need to send messages to both parents and step-parents. We changed the outdated practice of sending communications to a primary parent.

  4. We will stop the annoying 5am calls for weather delays. These messages will now be sent through Parentsquare/Email/text messages and placed on our website. 

  5. We will keep a handy list of announcements on our new website so you can double-check information at your leisure. 

  6. We will evaluate and streamline newsletters, increase consistency, and decrease repetition.

Dr. McKinnon sent a communication survey to Easton, Redding and Region 9 families in May 2023. Survey responses indicate that communication from the District and Schools is effective. However, it is clear that parents prefer different types of communication related to specific purposes. 

Parent Input

Communication from the District is effective

537 Responses

Communication from the school is effective

535 Responses

Communication Preferences

Survey Questions: Which communication method do you prefer?

Excerpt of Communication Comments from Parents